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Students who graduated in December or are graduating this spring or summer,

planning to walk in the May commencement,

may place their graduation regalia order on

Wednesday, March 23rd 10:00 am- 2:00 pm in the Student Union.

The cost for the Cap/Gown/Tassel package is $44.95 plus tax and payment is due at time of order.

Late orders placed after April 3rd will be assessed a $10 late fee.

To order your official LRSC personalized graduation announcements go to

Tassel Colors (one tassel is included with your graduation pack)

Associate in Arts Associate in Applied Science Certificate or Diploma/Business Certificate or Diploma / Trade Technical & Health
Red & White White Gold Light Blue

To receive your diploma...

An Intent to Graduate Form must be completed with the Registrar's Office at Lake Region State College - This is required whether or not you are participating in the graduation ceremony. Complete your Intent to Graduate Form online or phone 701.662.1515 for more information.

Congratulations 2021 Graduates!

Lake Region State College Commencement Schedule

GED Graduation - DVL Tuesday, May 10th 7:00 PM Robert Fawcett Auditorium
LRSC Graduation - Devils Lake Fruday, May 13th 10:00 AM Robert Fawcett Auditorium

Lake Region State College

1801 College Drive N.
Devils Lake, ND 58301


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Need more Information? Our phone numbers are: (701) 662-1538 And: (701) 662-1539
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