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Open Textbook Charging Program

To provide students the tools they need to be successful, all LRSC students, regardless of financial aid status, may charge up to $800 per semester in required textbooks and supplies.

In order to take advantage of this opportunity, the following criteria must be met.

1. The student is enrolled at least half-time (6 credits) at LRSC at time of charging and
2. The student is degree-seeking with Lake Region State College.

This program is aimed at breaking any barrier that may otherwise prevent a student from acquiring the materials needed on the first day of class. Textbook charges must be paid at the same time as tuition payment, either in the business office or through Campus Connection.

Lake Region State College

1801 College Drive N.
Devils Lake, ND 58301


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Need more Information? Our phone numbers are: (701) 662-1538 And: (701) 662-1539
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