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To access your eBook(s) [Bought Online]:

Click HERE and login using the email address and password created during your online checkout.
  1. Once logged in, select "Activate and Access eBooks"
  2. Your eBook or access code will appear on your virtual bookshelf and can be accessed until it expires.

To access your eBook(s) [Bought In-Store]:


Publisher Access Codes:

Access codes purchased from the bookstore produced by the publisher will be found on printed access card(s). Follow the directions on the card to access your materials.


If your e-Book is supported by our digital partner, RedShelf, your cash register receipt will contain the necessary code(s) required to redeem your purchase. For codes that appear on your receipt, follow these tips:

Go to


1.    If you haven’t visited the site before, you may need to Log in or create an account.

2.    After logging in, key in the code on your cash register receipt.

3.    Your E-book will appear on your virtual bookshelf and will remain available until it expires.

4.    If your code is to be used on blackboard, you may copy the code and paste it to the link provided by your instructor.

*Product cannot be returned after activation code has been activated.

Questions or Comments?  Please contact us.
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Lake Region State College
1801 College Drive N.
Devils Lake ND 58301-1598
701.662.1538 or 800.443.1313, ext 1538

Lake Region State College

1801 College Drive N.
Devils Lake, ND 58301


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